Materials Science & Engineering

Welcome to the Materials Science & Engineering subject guide. The library has collected literature in these areas since the nineteenth century and is actively expanding its collection in these subjects, including additional eResources (eBooks and eJournals).

Electronic books

Recommended eBooks

Print books

Books about Materials Science & Engineering are located on the third, fourth, and fifth floors.

Subject Shelf Call Number
Atomic physics. Constitution and properties of matter 5B105-132 QC170-197
Semiconductor physics 5B167-168 QC610.9-611.8
Metals (chemistry) 5C170-171 QD171-172
Polymers. Macromolecules 5C199-208 QD380-388
Solids. Solid state chemistry (Inorganic and organic) 5C252-254 QD478
Biomedical materials. Biomaterials 5C366-369 R857.M3
Materials of engineering and construction 4A108-4B029 TA401-492
Strength of materials. Mechanics of materials 4B012-016 TA404.8-418.84
Materials of special composition or structure 4B012-016 TA418.9.A-Z
Composite materials 4B012-015 TA418.9.C6
Nanostructured materials 4B015 TA418.9.N35
Nonmetallic materials 4B016-023 TA418.95-455.2
Wood 4B016 TA419-424.6
Masonry materials 4B016-019 TA425-446
Artificial materials. Brick, cement, concrete 4B016-019 TA431-446
Glass 4B019 TA450
Other nonmetallic materials. Plastics, polymers, sand 4B019-023 TA455.A-Z
Ceramic materials 4B019-020; 4B016 TA455.C43; TA430
Silicates 4B023 TA455.S46
Metals 4B023-029 TA459-492
Materials (Mechanical engineering) 3A104-3B029; 4C090-201 TJ5-1350; TL210-900
Electric apparatus and materials 4C275-290 TK452-454.4
Materials (Electronics) 4D185-191 TK7871-7871.15
Semiconductors 4D194-198 TK7871.85-7871.99
Materials (Nuclear engineering) 3A067-068 TK9185-9185.2
Metallurgy 3B076-099 TN600-799
Nonmetallic minerals 3B100-112 TN799.5-948
Building and ornamental stones 3B113 TN950-997
Clay industries. Ceramics. Glass 3C013-026 TP785-869
Polymers and polymer manufacture. Plastics 3C038-057 TP1080-1185
Manufactures 3C069-200 TS1-2301
Textiles and synthetic fibres 3C186-189 TS1300-1865
Woodworking 3C202 TT180-200
Metalworking 3C203 TT205-267

Recommended books

Rare books

Search for items published before 1920 in our rare books collection.

Online articles

Electronic journals

A-Z title list of electronic journals in Materials Science & Engineering

Open access journals indexed in the DOAJ

Recommended journals

0169-4332 Applied Surface Science
0142-9612 Biomaterials
0969-0239 Cellulose
0266-3538 Composites Science and Technology
0955-2219 Journal of the European Ceramic Society
1476-1122 Nature Materials
1748-3387 Nature Nanotechnology
0142-9418 Polymer Testing
0960-8974 Progress in Crystal Growth and Characterization of Materials
0036-8075 Science (AAAS)

Print journals

A-Z title list of print journals

Current volumes of print journals in these subjects are located in the Periodicals Reading Room on the third floor.

List of current journal subscriptions

Reference resources

Additional resources here.

Web pages

Author: Marek Janik

Editor: Lucie Šajmanov Last modified: 30.10. 2024 14:10